If anyone

would like to know what it’s like to hear your ankle go “pop” and then see 20 faces looking down at you, asking if you’re okay — let me know.
Left ankle. There’s no swelling, but I can’t point my foot without it hurting. Actually I can’t anything without it hurting.
With all the pain, though, I’m still excited. Tonight I get to see the Barenaked Ladies! It’s going to be awesome. And the Mac rumor mill is frothing over the possibility of a “headless” (i.e. without a monitor) iMac being introduced at Macworld Expo on January 11th for $499.
So, at least, lots of stuff to keep this fanboy’s mind elsewhere.
Are you ready for 2005? ๐Ÿ™‚


2 responses to “If anyone”

  1. neil Avatar

    Already There, Baby. Happy New Year, Hope You Enjoyed The Concert!
    P.S — Many Well Wishes For Ankle Healing Directed Your Way From Me. An Unbelievable Many. *Hugs* =)

  2. when does it start? oh crap!