MacBook Pro HFS corruption

Seeing a bunch of this recently at work. The root cause is eluding me at the moment… if you’ve seen it, please chime in!



One response to “MacBook Pro HFS corruption”

  1. So, just as a followup, the root cause of this issue appears to be a critical failure of the power-on-after-total-power-failure firmware code, which is not checking for the presence of a hibernation sleep image after the battery has been completely drained and the system is re-powered. Completely disabling the “SafeSleep” function (sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0) will act as a workaround to prevent the above-photographed corruption from occurring until such time that Apple issues a fix (they have been notified). Note that if corruption does occur, you are probably S.O.L., though I have been able to use Alsoft’s Diskwarrior to recover data in some instances (wonderful product).

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