Twilight Zone

[picture: sandy feet underwater!]
Wow… I’m seriously losing track of time. Got home at 8pm tonight, I thought it was Tuesday. All the days are blending into each other. Can’t be good.
Left work at 8pm yesterday, ate dinner. Hit the pool with Cam at about 10:30… we didn’t leave until 2am! Think we’re both a little stressed about this release that’s going on right now (or in Cam’s case, the two releases) — so we take the time to relax — even if it means we lose sleep.
Hopefully it will all show through in the quality of our products. We’ve been testing for the past week or so, and — fingers crossed — things don’t look half bad! Yeah! ๐Ÿ™‚


4 responses to “Twilight Zone”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    Ohhh thou dost taunt the great god Murphy on thy blog. How dost thou be so bold? Prepare thee for his wrath, for it will strike with the full sound and fury of a scorned handmaiden.
    -The Oracle

  2. Neil Avatar

    I love how after all this time I know whether The Projects are going well or not, but not what they are.
    Hope you’re not too stressed.

  3. i like yer feet. (they are your feet, no?)

  4. julie, thanks!!! yes, they are my feet ๐Ÿ™‚ they’re actually under about 5 inches of water in this shot.
    neil, that would thanks to the great god of non-disclosure. thankfully i have been whipping stress levels into line.
    jeff: i bribed murphy’s lawyers ๐Ÿ™‚