2003 UPA Club Championships, Day 3

Talk about a totally huge day! Got up on time, I can barely believe it. Having pizza for breakfast made my morning… I thought it was going to be trail mix for me, stepping out of the shower (forgot about the apartment complex Hallowe’en party the night before).
Volunteering was great! It got pretty hectic when I was trying relay scores of four games back to Frisbee Central every five minutes over a single walkie-talkie channel shared by all the volunteers. But we all got pretty good at it. Stats keeping is something else, though. The RUFUS system of keeping Ultimate stats isn’t all that hard, but it’s definitely a two person job, especially if there are a lot of turnovers. So I was glad to have Kirby as a partner to help record the “B-Plus” vs. “Donner Party” mixed semi-final game. The UPA is gonna have an excellent record of that game. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Note to self: this link describes the games I was responsible for today.)
Ducked out a couple hours early and had dinner at Fillippos with Cam, Melissa and Darren. It was good, but I really shouldn’t have ordered food. The free meal I received because I was a volunteer (plus associated BEvERages) had me pretty full still. Then it was back to my place for a dip in the pool/hot-tub and over to Cam and Melissa’s for brownie and ice-cream. A perfect night to a great day.
And tomorrow I do it all over again! Oh yeah, one more thing before I go: Vancouver’s team, Furious George, made it to the finals again this year! Go Canada!! If they win tomorrow it will be the second year in a row a Canadian team has won the US-based “Nationals” (Furious won it last year too). Cam talked about bringing out his big Canadian flag to the games tomorrow, I hope he does it! I will, of course, represent in the same way I have been all year: flip-floppy goodness.


11 responses to “2003 UPA Club Championships, Day 3”

  1. Aaron Avatar

    Hmm.. had to read that bit about “trail mix” when “stepping out of the shower” a few more times. So.. it was good, you didn’t puke? riiight. yeah, I’d be happy about that too.. no.. wait.. happy about pizza.. hmm, yeah, that’s probably it. pizza is better than trail mix.
    I, on the other hand, could barely drag me feet out of bed by noon.

  2. Heh… no puking! I only had two plastic cups of the substance they call beer. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah, the whole entry is probably a little disjointed, I could barely keep my eyes open when I wrote it. And you’re right, I did mean “pizza is better than beer”. Heh.
    Today I’m up even earlier (6:46am, before my alarm went off!). I start at 8 and end at 6, wish me luck!

  3. Aaron Avatar

    Woot! Today I got up at 6am, and climbed Mt. Doug by 7, in time to watch the non-existent sun rise. Non-existent because there were huge rolling clouds on the horizon. Ah well, I took pictures. I figure it’ll be a good thing to kick off my own blog sometime either later today or tomorrow.

  4. hey, congrats! a new blog is always a reason to get crazily drunk. will it be at otri.ca, or elsewhere?

  5. SuperJ Avatar

    Wow! How do you keep your sandles in such a good condition? I always have to get a new pair at the end of the summer. hee hee..good job Krishen!

  6. Jayne: heh, aw man, you got me! It’s actually a shot of my sandals at last year’s UPA tournament, which I never posted (or posted or posted). It, like the other shots in that batch, were taken on my Minolta 35mm point-and-shoot, developed and burnt onto CD for me by Walmart. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I wore the sandals again this year (and I have a story to tell about them!), but they’re definitely on their last legs. Someone wanna send me a new pair? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. 'nee Avatar


  8. Can’t believe I wrote my sandals were on their last legs. Word association time!
    Nee: mouth

  9. SuperJ Avatar

    Awww…Kurry…I wonder if i can find another Canadian maple leaf pair to renew for ya. Glad you use it often! tee hee..u sure fooled me!

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