Wow, so it looks like at least some of the ATMs at the Bank of America are dumb. You know, those kind that give you your money before your card. Talked to the bank on Friday at lunch, it turns out that’s exactly what happened to me. I took out money on Tuesday night, and walked away from the machine without my card. It was sucked back in, and automatically devalidated it.
They’ll be mailing me a new card within 5-7 business days. Bank of America’s bank cards have the owner’s picture on them. They still have my picture on file, so that was nice. They gave me a temp ATM card for the time being. One thing that took me by surprise is that the Bank of America rep who gave me the temp card said he thinks they’re one of the only banks that have the ability to give out temp cards.
On one hand, American banks are way ahead of Canadian banks (customer service). On the other hand, Canadian banks are way ahead of American ones (technology). The rep who was gave me the temp ATM card asked me if I’d tried the new “free online banking” yet. Free?! I told him, quite plainly, it was the only way to go.