The past five days have been a pretty weird time in my life.
The past five days saw me travel over ten-thousand kilometres. The past five days saw me and all my brothers, and Mom & Dad, in the same room at the same time. Feels like it’s been forever since that happened. And it then, when it happened, it was only for a few minutes as one of us rushed out the door with 47 minutes to get to the Swartz Bay ferry terminal. In the photo album at the end of this post, there’s a shot of us there all together, kindly taken by the Minataur. None of us were ready for it, but it was far too important a moment waste away with vanity.
I spent Victoria zipping from place to place, trying to see as many people as I could. It was rough. I didn’t manage to get to everyone, and if you’re one of those people I didn’t get to see, I’m sorry. I hate trying to squish everything into a few minutes.
It’s a product of the nature of my friendships — many of them, no, the majority of them — are “1-to-1”. So a lot of my close friends don’t know each other very well. And I have a lot of friends. This makes short trips back home difficult. I labelled myself a “wannabe extrovert” some time ago, and I think it stuck.
But back to my family. It’s all so surreal. We were all together for a moment four days ago in Victoria. And now? Davin’s wandering around England somewhere with Mina; Anand’s in Vancouver; and in less than an hour, Mom, Dad and Neil will be on their way to the airport arriving in Tampa, Florida at noon tomorrow. I’ll be their (hopefully) gracious host for the next week, then they’re down to Trinidad for two weeks, after which they return to Florida for a week and meet long-lost relatives. I drive them back to the Tampa airport at the end of it all. I have from tonight until next Tuesday off of work. Got plenty of adventure and surprise in store, should be good. Hopefully the size of my livingroom won’t be the biggest (read: the sleeping arrangements are gonna be cozy ;).
The past five days saw me renew my TN-Visa for another year. Saw me get my plastic license renewed into paper form, at least for the next 30 days, while the Florida government passes my name around to all the army and navy recruiting agencies.
And now, today, tonight, now it’s time for the mad do-the-laundry-clean-the-livingroom-make-dinner rush. Looking forward to this — perhaps I’ll finally get my livingroom clean. One can dream, no?
3 responses to “Happy Canada Day!”
*loved* the photos, the aerials were wonderful, and as for the sunset with all of us, it was like being there all over again.
krishen, those photos are fabulous! some of them had me almost peeing my pants! haha! ahhh…yeah, awesome.
hey jim, julie — thanks so much for the awesome time in victoria. it was soo much fun hanging out with the two of you. if either of you ever find yourself in florida, remember you’ve got a place to stay.