Last night was a lot of fun. Around 6pm, met up with Jeff at Cam & Melissa’s for an evening of sinful debauchery. Okay, it was more like ate chips, pizza, ice-cream and watched movies. 🙂 Lots of fun nonetheless. Tonight will see me heading up to near where Jeff lives for a little post-season Ultimate practice with several folks from the various teams during the regular season. This is pretty neat, since we all just met each other, really.
Anyhow I wanted to post a few more pics from Wednesday night/Thursday morning when I dropped folks off at the airport.
Trying to look mean, haha! This shot looks kind of funny compared to the photo below because I’ve tried to compensate for it being wildly out of focus via Photoshop magic (for the technically inclined, it’s a 200%, 1-pixel wide unsharp-mask). For your comparison, here’s the blurry, un-Photoshopped original.
Dad: Don’t move a muscle!
On the road to drop Neil Mom and Dad off for their flight on Thursday morning. That’s the Sunshine Skyway bridge coming up.
Going up!
At the top.
Going down.
A great shot of the rest of the bridge over the Tampa Bay area.
Signing in.