
Well, I just typed up a big entry and then accidentally closed the window. Grrrr. Oh well. I’m going to bed.


5 responses to “!@(*&!@#”

  1. what .. from now on you must do your entries in text editors ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Jeff Avatar

    I seem to remember this not being the first time it has happened.

  3. jeff, yeah, it has. the problem isn’t going to go away very easily — not unless the moveable type folks create a new “save as draft and preview entry” button, or i follow davin’s suggestion — which is, while pretty inconvenient, at least safe.

  4. Neil Avatar

    less a-talkin’, more a-re-writin’!

  5. Dude, I want *your* dinner!
    I had reheated freakin’ leftovers.
    And I’m the only one at my house who knows how to cook!