I am royally peeved. Remember what happened three weeks ago, the last time I tried to book practice under the lights? That’s right… Sarasota Parks and Rec double-booked the field. Well guess what?
Somehow, between last night and this evening, they managed to find a way to do it again. After arriving at the fields at 6pm, I paid field-booking-guy Cliff for the time under the lights and went out to set up the field. After twenty minutes, a softball player arrived, and while there was a minor dispute in the office, Cliff assured me that we could go ahead and play on the field, since it was his belief that softball was there tonight in error. So I went back on the field, expecting it to start clearing out. Moments later, some of the softball players — who, until this point, had been milling around the dugouts — warned us to get off the field (which we’d already lined with cones), because they were “starting, like it or not.” Said one loud-mouthed brat: “We just don’t want you getting smacked in the face with a ball.”
Even though I had just paid for the fields, at this point Cliff walks out from the office and gives the fields away to the softball players because (and this is best explanation I could get from him) “they’re big bullies”.
Suffice to say, I got our money back. Problem is, the first game of our (single-elimination) playoffs is in two days, and because of this mismanagement, we haven’t been able to practice in three weeks. We really needed to practice tonight. In an attempt to make it up to us, Cliff offered us the remaining Tuesdays in December for free (though it remains to be seen if he can avoid scheduling someone else in our timeslot, or if he even had the authority to give us this offer in the first place). Extra sucky tidbit: MJ leaves us for Colorado on Dec 7th, :(… so she won’t even be around.
Now the plan is to show up an hour early on Thursday to get a little throwing in. Augh.. Oh well. We made the best of a crummy night tonight by going to Crusty’s, a pizza joint I’ve never been to. The pizza was okay (I’ve had better), but I’d definitely recommend against their nachos (which Alec had, and which were pretty impressively bad — a basket nearly filled with completely broken chips).
At least the company was good. ๐
Alec and Me
Eric looking into space, Darren looking… well… I have no idea ๐
Amy gets fresh!
4 responses to “Sarasota Parks and Rec Messes Up.. Again”
The county is mandating a 3% budget cut across the board. I think Cliff might be a good place to start with that. Sorry I had to bail on Crusty’s so fast (although not for the reason that was suggested). Let’s use our anger at Parks and Rec and the softball punks against Dos Manos on thursday!
Alec, no doubt! I’m really looking forward to our game tonight. Feels like it’s been a while since I’ve played a proper game.
Neil, hahaha… slack to the max!
we did it, we did it!! news at 11. ๐