Update Your Bookmarks

Like some kind of phoenix, the old domain this blog used to be on, “davin.dhs.org”, has risen from the ashes. A note from Darryl (Dassa) Lynch (in charge of all dhs.org hostnames):
[11/12/2003 19:15 AuEST]
Due to my ill health, processing and reactivation of accounts with late payments was going slowly and we decided to reactivate all accounts until such time as the processing of the late payments can be caught up with. Account information displayed in the Members area will not show the correct renewal dates until such time as we have processed all the late payments. We apologise for the delays but it was beyond our control.

I know there are some of you out there still using the old address, SOooooooooooo…. one last time….. UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!
My correct address is http://davin.ws/krishenblog.