Well here I am at work on Saturday! The whole gang is here, less Hugo. Deadlines are approaching, but it’s a lot less stressful — I think our processes are starting to mature a bit. ๐
All sorts of news. Tuesday a new Starb*cks opened right along the 2 mile route of road/highway I drive to work. I’m thinking this might end up kicking my ‘bucks habit, as I anticipate I’ll be driving right by it every day and not stopping. Either that or it’ll get worse ๐
They’ll know my name soon enough ๐
Other big news: I’m going to be in Victoria between Sat, Sept 4th and Sunday, 12th. I am free the whole time; it’s all vacation! Let’s meet up.
6 responses to “*$, Vacation”
It is true .. with v6.3 the process is more defined … improved recording and documentation really has helped that.
Lots of room for improvement though …
But of course. But I am happy, everything seems to have gotten a little easier. Yeah progress!
You’re free the whole time except September 5th.
That is true ๐
Hey, at least they got the K, right?
Hehehe yep ๐ I’m going to have to go check in on them. Out of all the Starbucks, that location is open the latest (11pm weekdays, midnight weekends). I made a point of asking to speak with a manager type and telling them I appreciated how late they were open, and she told me their hours would be on a trial period for the next couple of weeks — if it’s not making money, they’ll be closing earlier. Ack.