Act Now

So this morning my 17″ LCD flatpanel started blinking its power light. At first I thought it was just blinking randomly, like there was a loose wire or something. Nope. There was a pattern to it. Pulse-pulse-pulse-pause. Repeat. So I trundled over to Apple’s support pages. Didn’t find anything in the knowledge base. So I turned to Apple’s discussion forums. These forums are great, because if anyone else has the same problem as you, you’re almost certain to find it there.
And guess what? Turns out my display was communicating to me via sign language.
After doing a little testing (dragging a totally white, blank TextEdit document around my screen), I figured out the top half was just barely dimmer than the bottom. Now that’s neat — the monitor knew when it was about to have trouble.
I bought AppleCare for my computer that covers all repairs to any part of the system for three years. When I powered on the machine again at lunch the power light was still blinking, so I decided it might actually be a good idea to register myself. 🙂 Because it’s been more than a year since I bought the plan, it’ll take a couple of days for the coverage to kick in.
So I just got back from work, booted up the computer, and now it’s fixed. No more blinking power light, full brightness across the screen.
Wonder how long that’s going to last.
So. Any Victoria locals know where that’s sign is from?