Back, by demand (of some sort)

Well, ah, that would have been the last time I locked the door on 429. Except the next morning I realized I left a big thing of cream-cheese in the icebox of the refrigerator I’d turned off the night before.
So. Make that August 3rd, 8:05am was the last time I’d lock 429. Just to set the record straight ‘n stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚
Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve written. That’s partly because it wasn’t until two hours ago that I found the USB cable for my camera. Right now my new place looks like some kind of warzone where tsunamis go into battle with each other. Or maybe tornadoes. Anyhow, I’m going to show you the new place BEFORE Kai, Darren, Eric G, Angela, Cam and Melissa all graciously came over on Sunday to help me move everything into it (a big “thank-you” to all you guys, by the way). At least that way I can look tidy. It’s a real minimalist thing I’ve got going on these days. Yeah. That’s it.

From the main entrance looking into the living room.

From the living room looking into the kitchen.

I have a hallway! Far left, bathroom/shower, far right, my room.

Looking in my room.

Looking from my room out to the hallway.
I had a tough time with these shots — it’s hard to capture just how big the place really is. I think that’s why I’m somewhat reluctant to clean up post-move. I’m a little worried the size of this place is going to dwarf me, and all my worldly possessions.
And tonight I got broadband officially hooked up. Monday night’s post was made via a stolen wireless signal:

Airport to the rescue once again. This happened to be me last year at the old apartment too. All I did was activate my wireless card, and OS X selected the network for me. Bam, look ma, internet access, no ISP. When will people learn to password protect their networks? Before you wonder if my scruples have taken a leave of absence, I should point out I kept my traffic to low-bandwidth stuff only (email and that blog post), so hopefully whoever-it-is didn’t notice. The local DSL provider is running a promotion where they’ll throw in a wireless router as part of a package when you sign up — works well for sharing an internet connection with multiple computers, without all that wire mess. I showed the cableguy how I was picking up the signal of one such router, and he didn’t have a clue what he was looking at, so perhaps — if the DSL techs are anything like him — that’s why I’ve seen so many passwordless wireless access points around this apartment complex these days. But there’s hope yet. Joe’s network is password protected.
I was going to put them in a separate post but, aww, what the heck — you only live once right? Here are some pictures from the actual move. The first shot is kind of fuzzy — in big part due to the torrential downpour during the move.

Darren closes the U-Haul.

L to R: Eric G, Kai, Angela, Cam. Offscreen: Melissa

Let’s just say I was short on boxes. Who can name all the geektastic bits in this shot?
Anyhow, I’m so glad I had so much help on Sunday — definitely made things go quicker; I’m not sure I could have done it without you guys. Thanks again.. I feel lucky to have so many good friends.
Now… to start planning that housewarming ๐Ÿ™‚


4 responses to “Back, by demand (of some sort)”

  1. Nice shots of the empty place … but how is the unpacking going ???

  2. oh everything is unpacked ๐Ÿ˜‰ just got to tidy up some ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. frisbee in the living room!

  4. neil Avatar

    hehe…can you say “Indoor Beer Ulti”?