Coming Home

If the 16 of you who have hit this page in the last 24 hours are wondering what’s happened to me, well, yeah, good question. I think there’s some kind of blog flu going around these days, plenty contagious. ๐Ÿ™‚ For me it’s been a combination of that, and well, getting really busy.
Lots of news since we last spoke. First the two big ‘uns:
(1) On Thursday, my Ultimate Frisbee team squeaked a narrow victory against Dos Manos (15-13) to advance to league finals! Woohoo! Here’s hoping we make it two in a row — “start a legacy” as Jeff puts it.
(2) I’m coming home for Christmas! I arrive in Victoria Wednesday, Dec 24th, around 4:30pm, and leave Sunday, Dec 28th at 7:30pm. I know it’s not very much time, but if you’re in Vic and would like to see me, please please get in touch. I want to see you (probably ๐Ÿ™‚
Little stuff:
My server logs tell me that my previous entry, about Sarasota Parks and Rec messing up the field bookings, was emailed around the offices at Sarasota Parks and Rec. Hmm….
It’s been a movie-night kinda week. Wednesday, watched O Brother, Where Art Thou? at Amy’s place with Darren. I quite enjoyed it, well done. In particular, if the scoring of the movie is any indication (you never know these days) I bet the soundtrack is great. Friday, MJ, Melissa, Darren, and I watched the French thriller La Femme Nikita. It was okay, but at times the storytelling could really use some help. I can remember at least three separate instances in the film where rather than working it into the film somehow, the producers of the film chose to show the passage of time by having the characters ask really out-of-place questions, such as (in a scene immediately after we discover our protagonist has a boyfriend): “We’ve been dating six months now.”… “It’s my 23rd birthday coming up soon”, which following a scene where the protagonist tells us she’ll be turning 20 in a few days. And so forth. Now, to be fair, we were watching an old VHS copy which was not subtitled but dubbed, so something could have been lost in the translation. Still fun film, but The Professional is a much better offering from the same director. And last night it was a bit of The Princess Bride before I inconceivably had to run off.
Speaking of work, I logged 20 hours over the weekend. We’ve got a big deadline coming up in the next few days. Just a hunch right now, but I think this might be related (Thanks to Cam for pointing out the link.)
Somehow during this weekend I also managed to get in some disc golf with Amy, MJ and Melissa; we got through 6 holes before it got too dark to play. Highlights include Amy sinking a 100-ft putt in heavy wind, and getting given a disc golf driver and putter. Nice!
Last night was a lot of fun, because after an excellent meal at Cam and Melissa’s, I met up with a bunch of folks at the Cock & Bull Pub to help Alec celebrate his 24th birthday. I gave him the Farricker Spirit disc I picked up last year; I think he’s been an excellent role model for all of us on the Slackers — competitive and fair at the same time; a good teacher.
Last night was also sad, because it was the last time we’d get to hang out with MJ. I think everyone on the Slackers is going to miss her. Even though she was only with us for four short months, she was a unifying force, bringing us all back together as a team when we drifted apart, whatever the reason. And just a plain hell of a lot of fun to hang out with.

MJ, if you’re reading this, I hope the trip to Colorado went well. I have trouble driving the three hours it takes to get to Orlando, let alone 24 straight! Write soon!


3 responses to “Coming Home”

  1. WaaaH! I’m going to miss you in victoria! I’m going to Kamloops to visit the in-laws. Have a great time and walk the breakwater for me! ๐Ÿ™‚
    ps you never emailed me! I sent email to your alumni account!

  2. Really? Gee, that’s funny — I never saw an email from you… wonder if the spam guard caught it ๐Ÿ™‚ Can you send it again?

  3. neil Avatar

    God damn spam guards these can never find one made out of real meat ๐Ÿ˜›