Saturday, Jeff had Cam, Melissa, Kemp, Kai and I over for a great post-conference celebration, complete with wonderful garlic-and-lime marinaded chicken and champagne in the most fantastic glasses. It was lovely, a great end to an exhausting but successful week. Thanks Jeff.
Sunday it poured, and I spent the morning enjoying a few cups of Caffè Verona and giving my website a design tweak. The previously grey-only “krishenblog” header now contains a photograph of a leaf from my parking lot; depending on your browser, the letters of “krishenblog”, as well as entry titles, may appear dropshadowed (also: here). If you’re using Safari 1.1 or greater and you don’t see it, hit reload; I’ve found Safari’s stylesheet caching can be quite aggressive. I don’t think Firefox 1.0 supports the CSS text-shadow property, so if you’re using that browser you might not see it.
I did end up getting outside. Around 4:30pm Darren, Cam, Melissa and I headed up the outlet mall, and while Melissa did some maternity shopping, Darren, Cam and I were suckered into buying spring rolls at the food court. But, they were so good! 🙂 From there, we went next door — to JP Igloo — for a little ice-rink action.
Now, being that this was probably the first time I’d put on a pair of skates in three years, let’s just say I wasn’t exactly… erm… stable. I maintain that it was the dull blades of the rentals. I fell. A few times. Luckily not on my camera. Hah. But I did get a few shots in:
Melissa watches in amusement while Cam races off to blow snow onto me
Darren, me, and my several chins
Cam’s got a few pics up from the night, too. By the end, I was finally getting good at right-over-left crossovers; I’m still trying to get the hang of the other way around. It was fun though. I discovered all kinds of new muscles! 🙂
Today I once again wrote a big check for my frisbee team’s registration — spring league starts this Thursday — which I just realized is the same day as my appointment to get the second half of my root canal done. Joy! (Incidentally, the molar in question no longer hurts, any sensation is more of a tickle than anything else). Got my fingers crossed that everything works out there.
And other than that, it’s been a relaxing time at work so far — cleaned up, got a few things organized, cleared the head. Yeah. Now if only every week could be like this.
2 responses to “ebb, laze, tranquilize, modulate, mollify, abate, reduce, soothe”
We will have to go skating again … it was way too much fun 🙂 Then you come out side to palm trees … we are soooooo hard done by!
Lace’em up!
With work off my main radar screen for a little bit the Canadian contingent took to the ice in a dramatic display of “we have not skated in a while”. Melissa was testing out her new blades that she…