Edmonton Day 3

Got Tim Horton’s, put on Metric’s “Fantasies” and hit the highway. Road trip!!
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We headed South from Edmonton and passed through Leduc, Ponoka, Lacombe, Bentley, Rocky Mountain House, Horburg, Harlech, Nordegg, the Kootenay Plains, the Saskatchewan River Crossing en route to the Columbia Icefields.
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The landscape is filled with a lot of canola at this time, which you can tell by its bright yellow colour. There’s also an Amish presence. When we first left Edmonton the land was flat; slowly rolling hills appeared, then BIG rolling hills, then the first mountains appeared. Then the first bear!
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And our first ridiculously-colored lake! The color is created by the rock-flour suspension in the glacial runoff-supplied water.
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Eventually we got tired of being cooped up inside the car and I wanted some exercise so I did weights:
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We made it to the Columbia Icefields, which were amazing; we got to stand right in the middle of it.
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What we’re standing on in this picture is actually a moraine, a hill formed of crushed rock that can no longer be supported underneath the weight of a glacier and get pushed out to the sides:
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Once we finished with the ice fields, we headed north to Jasper. On the way we spotted a goat!
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…and a rainbow! No, it wasn’t a double rainbow 🙂
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