
[picture: river in myakka river state park]
This river was filled with fish!
Went exploring in my car yesterday, and late in my travels discovered Myakka River State Park, about 20 miles east of here. It was getting late in the day, so I picked today to explore it instead. Took Cam, Melissa and the Powershot with me. It was radcore! 😀 Plenty of good pics coming this way soon, stay tuned.


5 responses to “Expedition”

  1. looks more like it was filled with birds.

  2. nope just one bird! but lots of fish — the folks with the fishin poles were catching a bass/minute!

  3. that should be some sort of measure of labor, like man-hours: bass-minutes.

  4. haha. bass-minute. i like it.
    “hey bob! what kind of bass-minute you got?”

  5. Neil Avatar

    1 bird, lots of fish….that’s one happy BiRD!