Family arrives

[picture: jul02-neildadmom.jpg]
I spotted them before they spotted me!
Picked up Mom, Dad and Neil today at the Tampa airport! After a HUGE shopping trip, I made them a big dinner (grilled veggie burgers and chips for mom and dad, my signature fajitas for Neil and I) with chocolate chip premium vanilla ice-cream with chocolate fudge and tea for dessert. Mmmmmm! Hee hee. And plenty of fajitastuffs leftover for tomorrow. 🙂 Big day tomorrow, going to sleep now. Dad has been up now for more than 24 hrs!
[picture: jul02-dadneilskyway.jpg]
Neil and Dad looking East at Tampa Bay. Thatís the Sunshine Skyway bridge in the distance. Thereís a dollar toll to go over it, which is understandable since at 200 feet up, itís probably the highest point Iíve seen in Florida.
[edited July 8: added pictures and captions]