There’s nothing more dangerous to my health than a drinking Grande Americano from Starbucks. Nothing more dangerous than drinking a Grande Americano while attempting to drive. Stick. Let’s just say I spilt it on myself three times in 15 minutes. Think I’ve discovered my metric for smooth shifting.
The girl at the drivethrough asked if I’d like room in my cup. I said yes. Seconds later she came back and asked, “room in it for cream? or just room?” “room for cream, please.” Room for nothing? What a silly question! Who would just want room?
Haha… well, at least it didn’t burn too badly. The drink that was trying to escape my cardboard cup was part of my post-ultimate ritual of getting high off caffeine. The game was lots of fun tonight! Attendance was lower than usual tonight — around 16 showed instead of the usual 20-25 — most likely because of a freak raining that occurred sometime between lunch and when I left work. About midway-through a dozen or so girls stopped by to take a look. We were playing shirts vs. skins. It’s pretty clear to me why they were stopping by. *grin* Does it matter that they were all only 14? Kidding, geez.
They were probably watching Joey, Kyle and the rest of the nearly half-dozen 13-year olds we were playing with tonight. They’ve been coming for the past couple of weeks. Sure, they slow the game down a bit, but with my left knee hurting a little bit still when I play, maybe that’s a good thing. I still haven’t “selected a doctor” yet on my health plan (I’m supposed to pick a doctor within a doctor referral network and stick with him or her). Maybe it’s time.
I checked my balance today, and for the first time, ever, I feel like I’m making money. As a student I was never able to break above a certain amount. I think that might have been largely psychological — if I ever got close to the magical limit, I’d just spend until I was no longer close. Think it’s time to start doing something smart with my money. Not sure what yet, though. But it’s kind of exciting! 🙂
Fun time at work today too! What I intended as a 45 minute presentation ballooned into double that. But I guess that’s what you get with 15 people and four different departments present. There were a couple of snags, but overall I think it went well! Some questions came out of it, and I’ve followed up on 14 of them; there’s one more I’ll be following up on tomorrow when my coworker gets back from vacation.
Speaking of which, I’m sort of overdue by a day on giving management my preliminary vacation dates for the rest of 2003. I’ve got two weeks to distribute; so far I’m thinking of a week in August. Y’all ’round then? Not sure when I’ll use the rest of my time… sometime in the fall?