Happy Solstice!

[picture: palm fan in Myakka River State Park]
A fan palm in Myakka River State Park. Download one for your desktop: 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×960, 1600×1200.
I’m nursing a stubbed toe on my right foot. It’s the middle one. The wall came outta nowhere and hit it. I’ve been icing it in an attempt to keep the swelling down. Don’t know what the wall’s problem is. Think I might kick it to show it who’s boss. My toe hurt so much last night, it hurt just to be awake. So I went to bed early. I’ve got ample supplies of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in my Ultimate bag, but I didn’t take either. Unless the pain is extreme, I don’t like being tricked into thinking I’m okay when I’m not. Your nerves fire for a reason, right?
It’s been a rain-filled weekend. Take a look at this video of me trying to leave the house to buy snacks. Eventually I made it.
Is it so wrong to have Doritos and Coke for breakfast?
Speaking of this weekend, it was the summer solstice yesterday. Go take a look at the Girlrepair homework assignment. (As of this writing, it’s the second entry down from the top, “20 june 2003”). I got up at 6am Saturday to snap my contribution.
I’ve had a terrible time getting the time and/or motivating myself to write lately. But the rain is changing that. So what’s happened in the past couple of days?
Late Thursday night I saw the specs of Apple‘s new PowerMac G5s get leaked by none other than Apple itself. Rumor has it these machines are supposed to be announced tomorrow at Apple’s annual software developer’s conference, WWDC. (Cam and I are hoping to drive up to Apple Store International Plaza in Tampa to watch the keynote.)
Friday, watched The Hulk with Ron and Jeff. I haven’t read any reviews on it yet, but I’ve heard from a few people that the critics hate it. I thought it was good, with the caveat that (director) Ang Lee’s stamp is all over it. There were a few too many “interesting” transitions between scenes. Usually I don’t mind this kind of thing, but there were so many, it just got kind of annoying. But it’s a good story (with hints at, but divergent from Romeo and Juliet) and co-stars Jennifer Connelly. Honestly, what more does one need?
Afterward, met up with Kim and her friend Miranda from Orlando (or, as Kim would say, “another of her O-town bitches”) got a bit tipsy and watched Kim practice her “come hither” tongue. Good fun.
So guess what? Work is flying me back to Canada for a couple of days so I can renew my TN-Visa! If you’re in Victoria and free between 4:30pm on Thursday and 4:30am Sunday next week, let me know, I’d love to meet up one way or another. So far, the plan is to catch Mark Farina at Kube on Friday.
Anyhow, hope you had a fantastic weekend, I know I did.
UPDATE, 11:55pm: Was chatting with Hilary over instant messenger, and she said she’d like to see the original of today’s pic. Here it is, enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚
[picture: original myakka fan palm pic]


4 responses to “Happy Solstice!”

  1. sweet pic 8) did you know the canon G5 just came out? odd that it’s released at the same time as the apple G5 .. are canon and apple in cohoots?!?! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. i’ll be at mark farina too! that means i get to give you an enormous hug! woooooooooo!

  3. davin: Hahaha…..especially interesting since Canon decided to skip the “G4” and go straight from the Powershot G3 to G5. Now, one could claim that it’s got something to do with the number of megapixels in the camera, but I mean, come on, how interesting is that?
    joolie — hee hee! can’t wait to see everyone again.

  4. that doesn’t make sense, i have a 4 megapixel G2. i think they are wack!