[Note: I ran into Hilary on MSN Messenger this morning and asked if she’d like to do a guest entry on my blog. I’d barely finished asking my question before she’d said “Yes!”. Minor formatting changes but otherwise everything’s hers (including the photo)! — Krishen]
as i sit in the computer loft of my townhouse that i rent i see big white fluffy clouds, the sun and some great trees. it amazes me how beautiful the world can be.
for those of you that don’t know me – I’m Hilary -Krishen’s friend from a previous ultimate team in Victoria. I’m also a recent graduate of the University of Victoria with a BSc in Geography and a Minor in Environmental Studies. Aside from that I work as a supervisor at Zap! Copy in the Student Union Building. So that’s what i do and have done. The real me can be described by my name “Hilary- from the Latin hilarius meaning cheerful. Blessed with a willing and happy nature, one of life’s natural givers. A great planner & builder of dreams, purposeful & successful.” I also have a fabulous boyfriend -Brian Spahn -who makes me smile as much as possible. Everyone should have someone who can do that.
Today is an odd day for me as i’m working a short shift from 3-7pm. I’m normally an early bird so this is very odd and i don’t really know what to do with myself for the morning. I’ve prepared dinner – just needs cooking – oh yeah i love to cook. Aside from that it’s a beautiful day and i intend to enjoy it somehow.. maybe i’ll go read my book (Birds, Beasts and Relatives by Gerald Durrell) in the sun or something.
Now for some advice b/c i could really use some. My gripes in life right now are two not so nice co-workers.
They are very intelligent and always right, especially when you don’t want them to be. When they’re happy they’re great to be around. When they’re not or they have something against you for the moment- stay away. or so it seems. I’ve been trying to be nice and chatty and whatnot but no matter what i seem to do around them they still seem grumpy and give me this air of “go away loser”. I’ve finally come to terms with it and have decided that fine if they want to be that way so be it – i’ll just ignore them as they do to me. That is follow the rule: do to others as you’d have them do to you. So if you can offer any advice or experience post or pass to krishen who’ll pass it on to me.
Oops i kinda wrote a lot. Well i hope you’ve enjoyed meeting me or at least reading this little guest blog. Hope you have a great day, evening or whatever time of day it is.
now to end with a quote (from radio42.com) “Life on earth may be expensive but it does include an annual free trip around the sun!”
Update, 12:33pm: Hil wanted to put up a song with this post too — enjoy!
3 responses to “hillibilli blog entry”
Welcome Hilary, good entry. I know I’m going to get it for this comment. I too work with two REALLY annoying Canadians :). Fortunatly one thing seems to make them less annoying, beer. Beer for both me and them, finally makes life tolerable. But on a serious note, maybe they’re just grumpy because they’re at work. Maybe meeting them outside would change things. God knows Krishen is downright ornery when he’s at work :).
Ornery?!! Why I oughtta…!
thanks for the advice. i feel a bit bad writing them up like this, but well they do have a bit of a rep. Besides, if they find this maybe it’ll teach them a lesson – BE NICE!! don’t be grumpy and take it out on your co-workers!! they’ll get back at you for it! you can be as perfect as you like, but most people like others for their imperfections.