Tag: Family
Fireworks/Epic Greenwell Event
So the fireworks were pretty fantastic! That is, after they got going. They were about an hour late getting started (just after 10pm). A few people nearby pointed out Bradenton’s fireworks, just visible to the north between the waterfront hotels on the bay. We knew things were getting started though. They made it pretty dramatically…
Independence Whut!
So not only did today NOT start at 9, but we blew right by 10:30 too. 🙂 Try noon. But we had good intentions! We bbq’ed the eggplant and tomato, and were munching on the (extremely tasty) end result by 1:30. Mom makes a batch of roti on a using makeshift wire rack to puff…
Adventure abound
Wowee… had a great day. Started off with getting up and organized. That took about three hours in the morning, hee hee. Then, at noon it was off to Myakka for a visit to the park. Yes, the one. And yes, we did see an alligator. Or two. Heh. Pictures to come. The foliage was…