Tag: Internet

  • How I installed IPython on macOS 10.13.1 High Sierra

    So I installed IPython today. It was a bit of an adventure, so thought I’d document it here, in case it helps anyone else (including my future self, heh): Installed Python 3.6 (the default, 2.7, included with macOS, isn’t new enough).  This puts the “python3” executable on your machine, which you can invoke similarly to…

  • Connecting to remote MySQL servers so they appear as though they are local

    Simple! Just create an SSH tunnel. Or a couple of them. Create SSH tunnel to MySQL server running on port 3306 on so that server appears to be running locally on port 3307: ssh -L 3307: root@ -NnT Create SSH tunnel to MySQL server running on port 3306 on machine2 so that server appears…

  • On Software Packaging & Distribution

    On Software Packaging & Distribution

    So, I’ve moved in with my significant other (yay!), and part of that move is a reconfiguration of my office space. Part of this involves me examining things I’ve been holding onto for a while. Those things? Software packaging. Giant, shelf-space hogging, software packaging. Boxes, just filled with cardboard & plastic, so as to take…