Tag: Mac
Notes on Developing for Mac
Going to keep an eye on this site by Matthew Brett, as much of the content seems right up my alley as a Mac developer.
Mac files, Windows and removable media
A good post on this topic by Brian Dickens over at HostileFork: http://blog.hostilefork.com/trashes-fseventsd-and-spotlight-v100/ If you’re reading this, you have probably found some USB stick or external drive with files named .Trashes, .fseventsd, .Spotlight-V100 (and possibly even the more rarely reported ._.Trashes) on it. You might also be annoyed to see files in various directories called…
Got an annoying “Top Hit” in Safari?
Check out ravi.rajendra’s solution here, which I’ve copied below in case the post goes away: Quit Safari Go to ~/Library/Safari/ in finder. Find “History.plist” file and edit it using textedit or text wrangler. (you may want to backup this file in case you messed it up) Search in the file for the URL (for e.g.…