Tag: Music
WMC 2006
Me with DJ/dance music innovator John Digweed [Biography] Well, what can I say? WMC 2006, my first WMC ever, was a total blast. For those that don’t know, WMC stands for Winter Music Conference, and it’s the biggest annual electronic music conference in the world, held in Miami every March. Though the conference officially ran…
Jazz on St. Armand’s Circle
So, on the fourth Friday of every month, St. Armand’s Circle hosts a free jazz performance. This time around it was 18-year-old Jose Valentino Ruiz and his band. Let me tell you, this guy can really play a flute! Not too bad on a sax, either. Patricia has some photos, too.
Text message party and more
Okay, all of those shots above are from Davin’s “text message party” he had while I was in Victoria. By text message party, I mean, nearly everyone there (except Neil, Anand and I), he invited over by using text-messaging on his cell phone. Pretty crazy, considering I don’t even have a cell phone. The shot…