Tag: Politics
Help wanted
Well I guess I should point out here that I didn’t actually go kayaking this past weekend. Maybe this coming weekend, though! As it was last weekend was pretty jam-packed with stuff. Sarasota had its first big rain in a long time — musta been 3 months since it’s rained that hard. Big, fat drops.…
Tax Fun
Apologies for not updating yesterday — things got pretty busy. As I hinted on Friday, I had to get some tax stuff sorted out. Here’s the deal. I hadn’t filed my US taxes for various reasons — the biggest of which was that I thought the government owed me money, and I was in no…
Donahue interviews Michael Moore
My friend Jessica just sent me a link to an interview with Michael Moore, the producer of the widely acclaimed documentary on violence in American culture, Bowling For Columbine. I saw it a couple of weeks back with the other Canadian at my company here in Sarasota, Florida. It’s a good film; it did wonders…