Tag: Reviews

  • Reviews: “The Majestic” and “Changing Lanes”

    Rented both “The Majestic” (Jim Carrey) and “Changing Lanes” (Ben Affleck and Sam Jackson) this weekend. It’s late, so I’ll make this short. Both were worth the rental.

  • Crazy/Beautiful

    Just watched the DVD of Crazy/Beautiful starring Kirsten Dunst and Jay Hernandez. The plot outline: “At Pacific Palisades High, a poor Latino [Hernandez] falls hard for a troubled girl [Dunst] from the affluent neighborhood.” I didn’t expect much. I rented this film because..

  • Donahue interviews Michael Moore

    My friend Jessica just sent me a link to an interview with Michael Moore, the producer of the widely acclaimed documentary on violence in American culture, Bowling For Columbine. I saw it a couple of weeks back with the other Canadian at my company here in Sarasota, Florida. It’s a good film; it did wonders…