Tag: Status
It’s 12:36am: Do you know where your teenagers are?
Just a quick note to say hi before I go to bed. Hi! Quickly: Had a good day at work — had some big discoveries regarding the NSToolbar and NSToolbarItem classes. If that sounds like gibberish, don’t worry, it is. I’m really proud of myself. I think I’ve reached some new plateau. Today, for the…
Happy Monday
Had a decent weekend, hooked myself with internet access through trusty old AOL dialup. Don’t laugh! At least I can check my mail while the local cable-internet folks — Comcast — fixes their computers and calls me back. Spent a good chunk of Saturday at a locally organized ulti tourney-mint. Eric J and I carpooled…
Big Fajita Debugger
Cam and I watched The Big Lebowsky last night. I’d already seen the last half of it because Mum taped it and made me sit and watch. At the time was shocked by how much swearing there was in it. “Mom still scolds us all when we swear: how could she be enjoying it?”, I…