Tag: Tech

  • Converting WordPress Categories to tags (and Vice-Versa)

    Helpful article here (thank you Manoj at Blogging Triggers)

  • Creating and installing SSH Keys (Mac)

    Great article here (thanks HowtoForge) that pretty much worked as-is on my Mac running macOS 10.13.6. Never knew about about ‘ssh-copy-id’, will come in very handy!

  • Scanning Mac WiFi networks from the command line

    Thanks to osxdaily.com for this tip. First, do this (one-time operation): $ sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport Then, anytime you want to query the nearby Wi-Fi networks, make sure Wi-Fi is enabled, and do this: $ airport -s This will create output that looks like this (B/SSIDs changed to protect the innocent 🙂 ): SSID…