Tag: Tech
Boo! Hey all. Been a while, yes, I know, what’s new right? But you’re all reading this with your RSS reader, right? If you’re not, check out Google Reader. It’s a free, always-accessible web application made by Google, that makes keeping up with infrequently updated sites like this one, a snap. Instead of you having…
How to tar and gzip in one step
For years I have been doing this: $ tar -cf nameOfTarFileToBeCreated directoryToBeTarred$ gzip nameOfTarFileToBeCreated This results in a gzip archive named nameOfTarFileToBeCreated.gz. Last week I found a command to do it one step: $ tar -cz directoryToBeTarGzipped > nameOfTarGzipArchiveToCreate e.g. $ tar -cz kgreenwell > kgreenwell.tar.gz instead of: $ tar -cf kgreenwell.tar kgreenwell$ gzip kgreenwell.tar…
If Programming Languages Were Religions
If Programming Languages Were Religions. Awesome. My favorite is Perl: Perl would be Voodoo – An incomprehensible series of arcane incantations that involve the blood of goats and permanently corrupt your soul. Often used when your boss requires you to do an urgent task at 21:00 on friday night. That, or you’re trying to solve…