Tag: Tech

  • Notes on Developing for Mac

    Going to keep an eye on this site by Matthew Brett, as much of the content seems right up my alley as a Mac developer.

  • Mac files, Windows and removable media

    A good post on this topic by Brian Dickens over at HostileFork: http://blog.hostilefork.com/trashes-fseventsd-and-spotlight-v100/ If you’re reading this, you have probably found some USB stick or external drive with files named .Trashes, .fseventsd, .Spotlight-V100 (and possibly even the more rarely reported ._.Trashes) on it. You might also be annoyed to see files in various directories called…

  • Moved site to https

    Moved site to https

    Steps Generated TLS/SSL certificate (free thanks to “Let’s Encrypt“, and easy thanks to Dreamhost’s built-in, couple-click-install Let’s Encrypt assistant).  This sent me an email with my site’s public key. The private key can be downloaded from Dreamhost’s web panel. Switched WordPress’ main URLs from http:// to https:// in WordPress’ settings Loaded my site’s main page…