Tag: Tech

  • Server-side rendered Javascript apps

    While learning about the origins of Node (getting out from beneath my rock), stumbled across this article by Tom Dale, which I found informative and well-written. Here’s a quote: For me, who always had a relatively modern device, this stuff was super fast. But Dan explained that they had users all around the world clicking…

  • Got an annoying “Top Hit” in Safari?

    Check out ravi.rajendra’s solution here, which I’ve copied below in case the post goes away: Quit Safari Go to ~/Library/Safari/ in finder. Find “History.plist” file and edit it using textedit or text wrangler. (you may want to backup this file in case you messed it up) Search in the file for the URL (for e.g.…

  • Older versions of OmniDiskSweeper

    If you’re trying to clean up an older Mac (10.7 or older), here’s a place you can find older versions of OmniDiskSweeper.