Tag: Work

  • Sorry for the lack of updates

    Very, very busy at work. I’ll try to get in one in the next few days.

  • Woes implementing org.xml.sax.ContentHandler

    A word to those doing SAX-based XML parsing and implementing the org.xml.sax.ContentHandler interface: Don’t assume all the characters between a “begin” and “end” tag, e.g. given the following XML snippet: <mycoolelement>My precious data</mycoolelement> …I’m talking about the “My precious data” part — are returned in a single call to characters(). Yes, most of the time,…

  • Update on me

    Hello readers.. how goes it? I have been keeping myself pretty busy over the past few days as you’ve doubtless guessed. We had pickup (all welcome) Ultimate Frisbee on Thursday, that was an unexpected surprise: 22 people showed up! That was nice, considering the week before attendance was around 13. Friday, Cam, Melissa and I…