Tag: Work

  • Camping Hallowe’en 08

    This past weekend Joy and I went on a camping trip to Hillsborough River State Park, about an hour’s drive north of Sarasota. Picked out gear Friday, then it was up to the park on Saturday morning. There we met up with Cam and Melissa and Joe and Owen; Mark, Laurie and the girls; Rob,…

  • Penguins vs. Lightning

    Again, work hooked me up with tickets. Thanks guys 🙂 I brought Joy, and Neven came along with Jessica. Fun times had by all, even if the Lightning did lose two-nothing. Haha, ah well. Seeing Sidney Crosby fly by on the ice was really something.

  • Charlotte going-away party

    It was our Dutch intern Charlotte’s last day at work recently and Devin was kind enough to throw her a going-away party. Here’s a few pics: