Time for bed

I just wanna say: Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover is a product of the gods. It does a better job than my scrubbing ever did, and in 1/5th the time. Seriously. This stuff is awesome.
The four day weekend was good fun. Friday saw me downtown to make good on my resolution of reading more, and got distracted by a bridge ๐Ÿ˜‰
Saturday I was rudely awoken by Amy (okay, okay, it was 11:15am, I probably should have been up anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰ inviting me to join her and Erik’s family on the beach at 2pm. Darren and I carpooled down there with Melissa, and we explored a local state park beforehand, which, despite almost getting lost, was a lot of fun. The beach — Siesta Key — was packed. It’s been ten months seen it that full. We mostly threw the disc around… the heat was definitely oppressive. I’d have a couple pics for you, but I accidentally left el camero at Jeff’s place tonight.
Speaking of which, today, after a small pickup Ultimate game at GT Bray with Cam and Melissa, we headed over to Jeff’s with Kemp for a margarita/BBQ cookout/NHL2004 night — and man, was it just what I needed. Thanks Jeff, Cam, Melissa .. man was the food good. :: stretch ::
[Oh, would you look at that? Miracle of miracles! The backlight on my flatpanel LCD monitor seems to have fixed itself again. For those keeping score at home, from Dec 21st until five minutes ago, the top half of my display has been about half as bright than the bottom half. I’m starting to wonder if it’s just a wire that’s gotten loose. I would have called it in for service this weekend, but I left all my warranty info at work.]
Hope you’ve all had a most excellent and relaxing weekend.


2 responses to “Time for bed”

  1. Krishin, that Tilex stuff is probably full of chemicals..!

  2. hey chrissie…. i guarantee it is. ๐Ÿ™‚ but your comment got me thinking, so i looked up its msds. looks like it’s okay, so long as you don’t spend too long breathing in the fumes (and I didn’t — i turned on the fan and left). ๐Ÿ™‚