Chill out

Booting into Mac OS X
Work was good today, even though I found out late in the afternoon that what I thought was a solution to a programming problem I’ve been having for the past two days is actually not, and now I have just tomorrow to figure it all out. Crapola.
Ultimate: Normally people arrive at 6:30 and warm up until 7. I got there at 6:45pm, just after twilight. The first thing I noticed was that the lights were off. The organizer — Wayne — and about 10 other people were standing around in the parking lot, huddled in a circle. I walked up.
Me to group: “So, are we going to play or are we going for beer?”
Wayne: “We’re gonna see if the lights come on at 7.”
I had always assumed Wayne had a key or something to turn the lights on and off. Guess not.

Me to group, pointing at a small patch of grass lit by sulfur lights: “Well, who’s going to throw the disc around with me over there until then?”
Group: collective shivering.
Me, frisbee in hand: “Okay then, I’m going over there.”
Wind: blows!
A few people broke away from the group to play catch. I figured it was a good way to stay warm, at the very least.
The disc wasn’t exactly what I’d call easy-on-the-fingers; with the cold weather, the plastic felt extra hard. A few people from the non-throwing group got in their cars at 5 minutes to 7; as they were getting into their car, one called out: “Call me if the lights go on, Wayne!”
We played catch another 6 minutes, and called that that. Oh well! I’m going to try to go for a run tonight to make up for the lost exercise. We’re supposed to have sub-freezing temperatures tomorrow.