So I promised you guys some pictures from Ultimate, and they’re ready for you! Be forewarned, this is one largeass JPEG — click at your own risk!
Wow, whatta day! Work was, um, a little less hectic than normal. We were focusing on getting the product we’ve been working on for the last 6 months out the door this week. My main job for the past few days was to create the upgrade CD — but a core piece of documentation that needs to go on the CD has been being reviewed for the past few days, so I’ve been pretty much blocked. So I’ve been tasking myself with things I think would be useful. Not very stressful, and as a bonus, it means there’s absolutely no pressure to leave late (though I almost did today by sheer force of habit). Today was a whopping 7 hours and 50 minutes, and I was home by 5:30. Beautiful.
In other news, today Apple released iPhoto 2 today. Why is this noteworthy? Well, I’ve used the previous version with my Powershot G3 since December, and it’s worked pretty well. This new version brings in a bunch of new stuff, like the ability to archive selected photos to CD, some pretty nice re-touching tools, expanded support for emailing photos, and a whack of other good stuff. And it’s free. No cashola. All I do is go to Software Update, and click “Update Now”. Pretty slick. Thought I’d provide you folks with some screenshots you just won’t see anywhere else. 😉 These only appear the first time you run iPhoto2:
Just an “OK” button? What if I disagree?
Ah, the price of progress.
Took about 2 minutes for the whole process; I’ve got 523 photos in my library.
Okay, I admit, it’s possible to see this one again easily enough. But come on! This shot is mandatory!