Wow, feels like it’s been forever since I posted last. Because, well, I guess it has. Sorry about that. Work’s gotten the better of me since Tuesday (excluding Saturday); I am going to try and keep you all more up to date in the coming week.
Especially since my good friend Jim will be posting an assignment shortly.
So, it’s all getting a bit hazy, here are the week’s accomplishments:
- Worked (a lot)
- Watched Get Shorty. A little confusing in parts but great fun (and I’m sure makes more sense if you watch it in a single day)
- Watched Sea Biscuit. An uplifting look at the great depression (and horse racing too). Not bad, but nothing spectacular, either. Watched over three days and two five-day rental periods.
- Remember that reporter who had a photographer come out? Well, her article about Ultimate came out yesterday, and I was quoted in it. Wahoo! 🙂 Stay tuned, I’ll probably be posting it here soon.
- Thanks to a friend of coworker, I watched the Tampa Bay Lightning-Florida Panthers NHL game last night for free! Tampa won, woot.
Hope everyone had a great Valentine’s day; I spent mine lazing (wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that word written) about the house. Today, it’s work for a couple of hours, then off to pickup-disc in Bradenton. Hopefully it’s not too soggy out, we had the most horrendous rainstorm last night.
2 responses to “Big Massive Grocery-List Update”
better bring along your galoshes, just in case =)
now THAT is a funny word..better than, say, calling them ‘wellingtons’. heehee
Getting brit-ish are we? Right-fine advice: in lieu of the loo take the subway to the w.c. across the ave.