Every once and a while, something comes along on the news that makes you raise your eyebrows. This piece was one of them — saw it on the local TV news yesterday — a school in Maryland is using transcendental meditation to battle ADHD. And it’s working. Neat.
5 responses to “Meditation vs. ADHD”
I believe that 90% of ADHD cases are misdiagnosed by doctors who get “kickbacks” from ritalin producers. I also believe, that parents choose to believe their kids have a “problem” because the culture of the day prefer to choose the easy way out when it comes to child rearing (is that even a word).
And so yes, I totally can see how meditation works ๐
Fair enough. Though I think there may be merit to the approach. The study was done at a private school which “specializes in the education of children with language-based learning disabilities”, according to a different article. So, at least for these kids, their parents believed the problem was real enough to send them to a different school. A little more than just a lazy, “throw pills at it” situation.
Meditation helps me for a lot of things.
I sure couldn’t prove it empirically, but…it does!
Agree that medication is too quickly assumed to be the answer. Not surprised that meditation helps… I am sure a bit of physical activity or a “time out” would have similar results. There is a new drug for ADHD (ADD) which in not a stimulant like ritalin.. Always confused me that overactive kids were given some kind of amphetamine.
I bet video games are to blame. ๐
I’m not really surprised that helps myself either — but I did think it was interesting this kind of thing was making news — not because the idea is obvious, but because of the decidedly non-Western slant it has as a potential solution.