It’s been a long week
Since we last spoke, I’ve:
-kept an erratic sleep schedule
-videochatted with Davin
-rallied the troops for the (hopefully) upcoming summer Ultimate league, scheduled to start July 1st.
On the topic of that last point — I’m fronting the $25 registration fee for seven people. I’m really hoping we have a season this summer; things aren’t looking that good, numberwise. The season is starting over a month later than last year, and because of that we’ll be losing a large number of players to school, which, for most college kids, starts back up at the beginning of August. Last year, the season (which runs 8 weeks) was finished by the 22nd of July. We have two teams for certain — the one I’m with (UPS) and the one my partner in crime, Rex (of the team “Airborne”, formerly “Dos Manos”) plays on. Apart from that, things are kinda uncertain. There’s also a distinct possibility of a third team, but nothing’s solid just yet.
File this in the “Things You’d Probably Never See in Victoria” department: there’s a new cleaning service advertising near the mailboxes of my apartment complex:
Hope they don’t fight over it
Plans for the weekend — tonight, drive up to Bradenton to drop off team fees, then come on back for the opening of a new club in town, named “Khrome”. It’s a crazy looking place from the flyer — custom motorcycles and choppers hanging from the ceiling, a restaurant area and supposedly they play “house and vocal music” (sic). Should be interesting at the very least. Then, depending how that goes, I may be off to a house party. We shall see. Tomorrow night I’ve got tentative plans to see Fahrenheit 9/11. Hopefully I’ll be able to get tickets — there’s only one theatre in town playing it.
2 responses to “TGIF”
purdy flower
Hey, what did you think of the video chat? 🙂