So it’s been a fun couple past days. Last night I hung out at Amy and Erik’s with Nora, Cam and Melissa. We watched Shaun of the Dead, a spoof on the zombie genre. Definitely worth a rental, if you get a laugh out of that kind of thing. I know I did. Must… eat… brains!
Thursday night’s Ultimate game was great; we took halftime 8-0 and it was 10-0 before they got a point. A comeback was made in the second half, but it wasn’t enough, and we ended up taking the game 15-5. I’m pretty sure we just had experience on our side. We were playing New Colllege, and their team was about four or five veterans, plus a bunch of players who had only been playing for a year or so. Contrast that with our team, where all the players had played for at least two years, and some for much longer than that. Still, I think all involved had a good time — even New College — and Monica brought out chips (about 60 28-gram bags!), cookies, brownies and beer for the entire field! How cool is that?
Other than that, life’s been full of excitement surrounding the upcoming birth of Cam and Melissa’s little one. Yesterday was Melissa’s due date, but no baby yet. Contractions — of the real kind — are nowhere to be seen. But I’m sure she’ll be going into labour in the next few days. Cam’s been keeping everyone up-to-date on a daily basis via his blog — go check it out. Tonight his brother Kurt arrives; I can’t wait to meet him.
That’s it! Have superawesome weekend 🙂
6 responses to “Shaun of The Dead, Ultimate, No Baby (Yet)”
Not my favorite movie.
Heh. Well, there you go. It’s not for everyone.
DOET – I’m reading that right now! An entertaining read. (Surely you have also read Edward Tufte’s books?)
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