Post a comment if so. Unlurk! I really have no idea who’s reading this thing anymore 🙂
Nkosi came out to Ultimate last night. I think he (or at least his lungs) is going to kill me the next chance he gets 🙂 Also discovered a new pain in the lower left of my right knee, where it hurt to bend but standing was okay. After running on it for bit, it was okay, but I am still reluctant to put much pressure on it (e.g., make hard cuts). We’ll see if it’s just temporary or what. So far it’s good this morning.
Happy Monday!
Music: Stare/Phibbs – Hyperion. From “Freaky Flow – The Envy” (Drum and Bass DJ Mix)
22 responses to “Anyone out there?”
You sure you want to bring the trolls out of the woodwork :).
I read your blog! Don’t worry, I bet I’m not the only one. Keep writing!
Jeff: Heeee. That’s the idea 🙂
Inês: Hey, how is Aveiro? Love all the pictures in your latest post 🙂
I pop in now and then to say “hi”. Looking forward to your return.
Calvin: Looking fwd to it! I’m curious if I’ve adapted to the Florida weather — by December it’ll be a year and a half since I was back. 🙂
What makes you think your audience is changing? Or do you think no one is listening?
Well… changing in that it might be a subset of what it has been in the past.
greetings and thanksgivings!â„¢
(greetings and thanksgivings is a registered trademark of girlrepairâ„¢ and extrametricalâ„¢)
lol.. reminds me of that SNL skit… what was it? think it was one of the Baldwins… found it. Alec Baldwin’s Belated Season’s Greetings (okay, so it’s not similar at all.. don’t ask me, i have no idea how my brain works)
lurking Canadian style since 2002
yes, still reading 🙂
I read you on Bloglines… I just don’t comment much. 😀
Michael: as in Denny? if so: Hey! How goes UVic (if you are there still. Or, if not, what are you up to?) else: Hello! Welcome to my internet hovel. Or, I suppose “nice to meet you” might work better, since it would seem you’ve been here a while.
orque: *nod* Did you get the Vespa?
sue: Online RSS aggregator, right? I shied away from the first aggregators I saw because they only gave entry previews, and dropped the images. Is that still the case?
still reading…missed you at thanksgiving today 🙂
eat a turkey over there for us here in Canada! Oooh, and the Canucks won today too 😀
oh hi!
excellent kung foo memory
UVic is pretty good to me, though I’m looking forward to new challenges. I believe the environment there is more setup for people with families and such. Onwards!! Yay, I lurk, not much to say other than great photos!
had a site, it went down, had another site, it went down. Have another site soon
neil: I know, sweet eh? And Cam told me that destroyed the Red Wings winning streak. Talk about the icing (I mean… the kind on the cake).
shy hi!
jim: some resonance here re: new manifesto.
‘nee: looks like the Big Damn Movie fared better than expected last weekend, wahoo 🙂
michael: I think you’re right. Very much a “don’t rock the boat” kind of environment, “we like it the way it is.” At least, that’s how it was in 2002. Thanks re: the photos! I haven’t been taking as many creative photos as I’d like to lately — those animal shots were the first time I’d picked up the camera for “fun” in a couple months at least. Looking forward to your new site. What were your old sites? I will waybackmachine them 🙂
Ok, so I lurk every week/month and catch up with your life. I too miss not living in Vic anymore. Love the pics, etc.!
A little late, but there you go – “a comment”.