Deleted!! !%$@

Well, isn’t that interesting… see how those pictures aren’t loading? That’s because, as far as I can tell, my user account on was just, um, DELETED!!!! More info as I get it.


6 responses to “Deleted!! !%$@”

  1. Ah — so, /apparently/ my user account is on a drive getting defragged.

  2. more like haxx0red and pwned!!!!!!!!! stop playing my skillzzuh down or i will pwn your txt too!!!!!!!1111111111

  3. defragging is hopeless. all your data are belong to us.

  4. shy me Avatar
    shy me

    to quote Strongbad…. “DELETED!!!!!”

  5. davin: pffft. if you were such a good haxx0r you’d pwn the defrag process and preserve my user account!
    ‘nee: make your time
    shy: 🙂

  6. pffft i sense jealousy