Going To The Pool Rocks!

[picture: a pool]
A daytime shot of the pool at my apartment complex. Pardon the poor image quality — the photo was stolen from aptsonweb.com.
Tonight I headed down to the pool at 9:45pm after whipping up a quick peanut chicken stirfry. Met up with Cam, Melissa, Kari and Hugo. I brought my frisbee to toss around. Both Kari and Hugo showed remarkable improvements in their ability to throw and catch the disc in the short time they had it. Kari somehow managed to almost hit Melissa with the disc two throws in a row. That’s pretty incredible, but how she managed to warn Melissa that there was a disc hurtling toward her head after the throw BOTH times is beyond me. At one point Melissa returned the favour by nearly taking my head off with the thing.
We stayed there until roughly 11pm, at which point we were amazingly NOT kicked out by the pool gestapo! Ended up spending most of the next hour in the hot tub, and after a quick dip in the pool, we were all back home by about quarter past midnight. Yum. I smell like chlorine.
If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check out cam’s blog for a rather embarassing shot of me, and Davin for Canadian Ice (you’ll need the free RealOne Player to watch)!