I mean, how old do I look?!

Guess what? I want a digital camera again. Simon presented me with a few good arguments — paying $200 for a scanner is a pretty hefty investment for something that’s mostly going to be used just to scan photos. “That’s half a digital camera!”, he said, “rounding up and stuff”.
The Apple Store in Tampa called me this afternoon to let me know the scanner I wanted had arrived. I’ll have to let them know I don’t want it anymore.
Anyway, the Sony Cybershot DSC-F717 looks pretty nice. Maybe if I have any money left over after fixing the timing belt on my car. 🙂
Tomorrow, I’m going on the longest road trip ever (a.k.a. “the Sarasota to Gainesville and back again” trip). Jeff & I are going up with Mike and his wife Carrie for a football game. Mike’s a big college football fan and invited me along. Should be interesting. Jeff’s a big techno/electronic music fan, so even if the game is lame, I’m guaranteed six hours of rockin ch00ns!
Oh yeah, today, Ron, the guy who hired me – said he thought I was 23. He was pretty shocked when I told him I wasn’t.