What’s the deal with the weather here? Right now, at 8 in the morning, it’s 13 out. It was about 12 celcius all yesterday. What am I supposed to do, wear more than a t-shirt? Two days ago, it was in the mid-twenties at this time of the morning.
On the plus side, at least this means I get to wear my Gaia fleece that I bought from the Seattle ultimate league last summer! Cool.
This weekend I’m going up to Gainesville again, except this time it will be for ultimate, not football. I’m taking part in a hat tournament that’s going on there. A hat tournament is a tournament, where teams are determined at the start of the tournament by randomly drawing player’s names out of a hat. Since you really have no idea who you’re going to be playing with before you start, it can only end up being fun. And of course, after any ultimate tournament, there’s a party, so I’ll be staying in a hotel on Saturday night. 🙂