The south side of my apartment building, about an hour and a half ago.
Someone designed the day wrong. There aren’t enough hours.
No, work hasn’t been overly stressful recently, but the hours have been long. Got home just a few minutes ago. Work bought us lunch today — or, well, rather, it’s more like Jeff bought lunch for Cam, Hugo and I, and he’s going to try and expense it. I sure hope they let him — the total was only $11 or something.
I was reading Julie’s entry last night about all the fires in BC, and I’ve come up with a theory. Florida has stolen Western Canada’s water. While BC is having the driest summer on record, Florida’s having one of the wettest. Tropical storm Henri is just hours from touching down over the Tampa Bay area, and further East Fabian, a much bigger storm, is currently ripping Bermuda to shreds. Tampa Bay is just a 45 minute drive from here. The water levels in the pond beside work are already close to the “stupidly high” mark. More and we’ll be swimming to our cars.
Looking forward to doing some exploring tomorrow. With luck I won’t need a canoe.
3 responses to “It’s a little moist”
with a flash in the sky,with a crackle of thunder, with huge fat drops, we got our rain back yesterday afternoon. people were yelling in the streets with excitement when it first started pouring down.
we stood outside on the porch and watched the sky for almost an hour. the storm was beautiful and exciting, and the rain, oh the rain! it wasn’t too much, at first, and then boom, it poured like crazy. i put my arms in the air toward the sky and welcomed the wet weather. “hello rain! it’s so good to see you again!” yeah, we are all so incredibly happy it rained. imagine that.
we will send that dry weather back now that summer is over. ๐
i’m so happy it finally rained! it’s seemed rather hopeless lately. i was talking to mom last night, she held the phone up to the skylight in the kitchen so i could hear it. ๐