It’s Friday, obviously

So the morning started normally enough; at 8:00am I went outside to wait for Cam to pick me up. And waited. And waited. Finally at 8:25 I figured he must be having car trouble or something, so I drove over to his place — and his car was nowhere to be found!
Turns out the bastard drove to work without me! Spotted his goofy grin as I came in the doorway to work. He was coming to pick me up. I really don’t know how he managed to forget — we had two phone conversations about it this morning, one at 7:30 where I convinced him he should drive and another at 7:55 when I told him I needed 5 minutes to finish eating. He said: “Okay, I’ll leave in 5 minutes.” Guh!!!


2 responses to “It’s Friday, obviously”

  1. See … I knew you should have driven today. Why you wanted me to drive I just don’t know … see what happens … remember I don’t get my first coffee until I GET to work ๐Ÿ™‚
    [ must admit … felt pretty stupid ]

  2. not to worry, apology accepted. I promise not to bug you about it again. much. ๐Ÿ˜€