Had an action-packed weekend.
Thursday, we had an night out on a bay-based cruise ship; that was a lot of fun, helped along by an open bar. Heh.
Friday, The Altima decided it had had quite enough and decided to squeal loudly; hoping I could make it out of the apartment complex quickly in order to avoid complete embarassment, I made it so far as five parking stalls away. The screeching did not subside shortly after the car had been turned on, as the previous grindy noise had. I ended up leaving the car in that stall and biked to work. That was fun, but since they’re ripping up Fruitville around Cattlemen to make way for the new Lowes, there was a precarious lack of shoulder at times. Approximate travel time on bike: about 20 minutes, 15 if I push it. I’m hoping Lowes will put in a decent sidewalk so bike travel will be easier. Yeah, yeah, I know, you’re supposed to cycle on the road — but if you saw the traffic Fruitville gets, you’d understand.
Friday night, Jeff and I met up with Louis and company at RJ Gator’s to help John celebrate his birthday; he ended up getting pied in the face twice by the staff. Nice! We all had a good laugh at his expense. Hee.
Saturday and today, John and Ivee threw yet-another great Easter party, involving many cool people, two kegs, good food and one hot backyard fire, thanks to honorary fire chief Leonard, as well as some dancing to electronic music by the Vancouver-based progressive breaks artists Shiloh. The party continued this morning, where attendees enjoyed bacon-wrapped grapes, champagne and orange juice, fabulous quiche and an Easter egg hunt for the little ones. A big thank-you to Nkosi, who shuttled me around between Sarasota and St Pete.
I did have plans to see a movie tonight with Cam, but those plans fell through as time marched on (as it tends to). It was all for the best anyway, since I still had some packing to do for the trip to San Antonio tomorrow. I’ll be there for two weeks; if you want a postcard, just send me an email with your address 🙂
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