Next up: the Chevy bola de fuego

Marie is THREE and wants to know: do you like her sandals?
For future reference, if anyone else from BC misplaces their driver’s license — this is the page you need to visit. After answering a few quick questions this morning I now have a temporary replacement winging it’s way to me through the postal mail. Yay!
Boe and Donna’s party was excellent; I’ll have pitchers up from it soon. Of particular note was that on the way up there Darren and I saw a fireball that, upon closer inspect was (and I’m talking VERY “was” here) a Ford Escort. It was quite unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like it. We were three lanes away and Darren (who was driving) could feel the heat through my open window. Thankfully I don’t think anyone was hurt.
And tonight, Jeff had Kai, myself and Kemp over for another installment of the JeffBBQSessions, which is turning into something of a long-weekend tradition. In addition to the super-tasty grilled brats and beer, he made us vodka mudslides tonight, very tasty stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚
Anyhow I feel like I could write for quite a bit longer, but I should be in bed a long time ago. I have to be up in time to catch an 8:10 am ride to work, woo.


3 responses to “Next up: the Chevy bola de fuego”

  1. i love her sandals.
    ps, i just posted. again

  2. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll let her know. And good on you for posting again so quickly! I will go check.

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